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Experts in designing, manufacturing and marketing of vacuum cleaning equipment for dry applications

About us

Our experience has developed in sectors such as cement, plaster, quick lime, foundries, quarries, power generation, concrete prefabs, ceramics, glass, human and animal foodstuffs, urban cleaning and maintenance, etc.

Currently our products are operated in a number of different countries across Europe, North Africa and Latin America. Discover why more and more customers choose Ecogam.

Equipments range

Our standard vacuum range includes a product for every need: from centralised units, to towable equipment or mobile vacuum groups mounted on 2 or 3 axle trucks. Including also the ultra-compact portable units and the hoppers used to increase productivity in any of the above systems.

Read more about our latest solution for suction of solids, cleaning of structures with hot pressure water equipment and assistance in a great variety of industrial and urban applications. All in one product that can perform different jobs by simply changing accessories: the exclusive multifunctional group by Ecogam.

Portable vacuum

Servicio a múltiples ubicaciones en fábrica.

Centralised vacuum

Servicio en instalaciones con redes fijas de tuberías.

Modular mobile vacuum

Estructura-contenedor autosuficiente.

Towable vacuum

Alto rendimiento y autonomía sobre chasis remolque.

Aspiración sobre camión

Máxima potencia y capacidad sobre chasis diésel 2 ó 3 ejes.

Aspiración multiservicio sobre furgón

Limpieza de tuberías y vías urbanas e industriales.


Complemento perfecto para cualquier equipo de aspiración.


Discover the applications and advantages that Ecogam products can bring to your business, whatever the activity you are in. Ecogam vacuum cleaning equipment helps removing dust, sand, gravel or any other dry residue from production processes, facilitating transportation to a disposal site for discharge or pumping the material back into a silo for reuse.

Your company will be able to obtain an ecological and far more efficient environment in the shortest possible time and with the minimum workforce, increasing productivity and lowering your operating expenses.


C/ Mèxic, 20

08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès



Tel. / Fax: +34 93 590 96 23

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